downtown massage therapy

Benefits of CBD oil!

There are so many benefits of CBD oil and now for only $20 added to any of our services, you can get a massage with CBD oil!! Some of the best benefits of CBS oil massage are antipsychotic effect, nausea relief, treats seizures, lowers incidence of diabetes, promotes cardiovascular health, and it even FIGHTS CANCER!!!! Book your CBD massage today! Shine On!!

Living with Bad Posture & What it Can Do To You

Living with bad posture can result in muscle and ligament imbalances that result from poor alignment. This can lead to all sorts of problems:

  • chronic neck, back and shoulder pain
  • foot, knee, hip & back injuries
  • headaches
  • Stiffness
  • Fatigue
  • Muscle atrophy & weakness
  • difficulty breathing
  • impingement & nerve compression
  • sciatica
  • carpal tunnel syndrome

Good posture holds the key to relief of not just back pain, but sometimes other common body complaints too. Good posture helps improve:

  • headaches
  • constipation
  • tingling & numbness in hands & feet
  • bachaches
  • headaches

The human body was designed to move - not sit in a chair for several hours at a time, slouched over a computer or over our phones. These are a part of our daily life and over time bad habits like these can result in problems. Getting regular massages can correct these problems!

Water After Massage? It couldn't hurt!

After most massages, you will hear your massage therapist say "Drink a lot of water today!" The reason that we tell our clients this is because there is belief that the manipulation of muscles causes a release of toxins in the body. Whether people want to believe this or not, what could it hurt to have a glass of water!?

The most important glass of water is first thing in the morning. Your body has been dehydrated while you’ve been sleeping, so start your day with a tall glass of water. It’ll boost your metabolism.

Water is the most important nutrient for health, growth, and development and it’s the most abundant nutrient in the body. Although water does not provide energy in the same way carbohydrates and fat do, it plays a very important role in energy transformation. Water is the medium in which all energy reactions take place. Water also helps out with the lubrication of your joints. It’s an ingredient in the makeup of the synovial fluid, which is the lubricating fluid between your joints. If your body is dehydrated, even for a brief period, less fluid is available to protect these areas.

Muscles are 70% water. Your brain is 85% water. Just imagine how fatigued or tired you might feel during the day because you haven’t replenished your body’s water supply. Drink more water and you’ll feel and see the difference in your body’s health.

Benefits of Prenatal Massage!

Studies indicate that massage therapy performed during pregnancy can reduce anxiety, decrease symptoms of depression, relieve muscle aches and joint pains, and improve labor outcomes and newborn health. Massage therapy addresses different needs through varying techniques, one of which is called Swedish Massage.

Swedish Massage aims to relax muscle tension and improve lymphatic and blood circulation through mild pressure applied to the muscle groups of the body. Swedish Massage is the recommended massage method during pregnancy because it addresses many common discomforts associated with the skeletal and circulatory changes brought on by hormone shifts.

Hormone regulation

Studies done in the past 10 years have shown that hormone levels associated with relaxation and stress are significantly altered when massage therapy is introduced to women’s prenatal care. This leads to mood regulation and improved cardiovascular health.

In women who received bi-weekly massages for only five weeks, hormones such as norepinephrine and cortisol (hormones associated with stress) were reduced, and dopamine and serotonin levels were increased (low levels of these hormones are associated with depression).

These changes in hormone levels also led to fewer complications during birth and fewer instances of newborn complications, such as low birth weight. The evidence strongly suggests there are maternal and newborn health benefits when therapeutic massage is incorporated into regular prenatal care.

Reduction of swelling

Edema, or swelling of the joints during pregnancy, is often caused by reduced circulation and increased pressure on the major blood vessels by the heavy uterus. Massage helps to stimulate soft tissues to reduce collection of fluids in swollen joints. This also improves the removal of tissue waste carried by the body’s lymph system.

Improvement of nerve pain

Sciatic nerve pain is experienced by many women in late pregnancy as the uterus rests on muscles of the pelvic floor and lower back. The pressure of the uterus spreads tension to the muscles of the upper and lower leg, causing them to swell and put pressure on nearby nerves.

Massage therapy addresses the inflamed nerves by helping to release the tension on nearby muscles. Many women have experienced a significant reduction in sciatic nerve pain during pregnancy through massage.

Other potential benefits of prenatal massage:


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