
Benefits of LED Light Therapy during your Facial

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Why LED Light Therapy?

A few of the benefits include.

-Treating acne by using Red and Blue UV Light to kill acne-causing bacteria without harming the skin.

-Regulating natural oil production.

-Stimulating collagen and elastin and minimizing redness and wrinkles.

-Certain wavelengths have even been shown to reduce dark spots and uneven skin tone.

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Shine On Customized Facial!

Facials and facial massage are beneficial for all skin types and concerns. Pollution, dirt and dead skin cells accumulate and leave the skin dull and lack luster. As we get older, our skin cell turn over slows down causing it to age. Just as the muscles in our body need exercise and massage, so do our facial muscles. At Shine On, we make sure to address individual needs and concerns incorporating facial massage to relieve tension and congestion. With our all natural products and modalities such as Gua-Sha and Cupping, you will leave feeling rejuvenated and shining from the inside out. PROTECT, NOURISH, and REPLENISH your skin today with a customized facial and massage so you can Shine On!